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18 steps to make a balloon brush in Procreate

These 18 steps to make a balloon brush in Procreate Tutorial is for beginners; who like me, are fascinated with the capabilities of this app.

18 Steps to make a Balloon Stamp Brush in Procreate here we go!

Here is a step by step video I posted on instagram. If you rather read a list of the 18 steps, scroll down, it is right after the video.

  1. On a square canvas, draw a super cute ballon, make it your own, don’t forget to add highlights and shadows.
  2. Go to Actions wrench icon on the top left
  3. Click Add
  4. Copy canvas
  5. Go to you Brush Library and click on the + sign to add a new untitled set where you will add your newly created brushes.
  6. Press and hold on Untitled Set to edit name of set of brushes.
  7. Click on the + sign on the top right to open the Brush Studio Settings
  8. On the left hand side go to Shape Settings
  9. On the top center of the screen click Edit
  10. When the Shape Editor window opens, click Import
  11. Under Image Source options, go to the bottom and select Paste
  12. Now that you have your super duper cute ballon set as your brush shape, tap with two fingers to invert colors of the canvas.
  13. Once the colors are inverted, click “Done”
  14. In the Brush Studio, select Stroke Path and increase the Spacing. In this case it is set to 60%. This makes sure the balloons do not overlap.
  15. Go to Shape again, and play around with the rotation and count jitter. The specific settings for this brush are set to 11% rotation and 1% count jitter. These settings tilt and offset the balloons slightly; just like in really life, balloons float upwards but not in a straight line. Some move from left to right and some also tilt from side to side.
  16. Now, to add the multicolor setting to this balloons, go to Color Dynamics, and set the Hue under Stamp Color Jitter to 99%. This means each stroke will draw a balloon with a different color. Also, adjust the Color Pressure to 6% to give the balloons even more variation.
  17. To give this balloons brush even more variation using the pressure, go to Apple Pencil settings and adjust the size setting under Pressure to 33% and increase Opacity to Max.
  18. The final step, is in About this Brush, where you name your brush and create a new resent point for it. This is very important since it will help you keep organize. It will also ensure your newly created brush settings are saved under your name. Creating a reset point will help you go back to the original brush.

Bonus tip

If you want to create a variation of this brush, I suggest you duplicate your brush first and then make all the adjustments and changes. Give the new brush or brushes a new name, and you will be set. In no time you will have your own set of Procreate Brushes.

I encourage you to play around with these settings, because it will help you learn and see how each of the settings affect the output. Make your own brushes and create unique designs.

Balloons Stamp Brush

Made with this brush

Multicolored and randomly sized balloons!

Find me on Instagram @sukisworkshop, let me know if you followed the video, if you found it helpful and if you were able to make your own brush. Feel free to save, forward and tag me, I would love to see the brushes you create.

Put your new brush to work!

Here are a couple sample products created using this brush!

Click the links on each image to see matching products with same design.

For more birthday party designs and party decoration ideas, check out the Birthday section under the Special Events Tab, or click here.