Believe it – Visualize it – Make it Happen – Now is all about the law of attraction, positive energy and encouragement to turn dreams into goals.
Here are some basic concepts that are essential to know, believe and practice on a daily basis.
First and for most is to believe you are meant to achieve, attain, receive what you are wishing for. For this, to fully come to fruition is essential to acknowledge, reduce and eliminate ALL perceived obstacles, that negate the feasibility of our goal.
Believe there are an unlimited opportunities, there is plenty for growth and plenty for all. There is always a new knowledge or skills to learn and if you are open minded and alert you will see opportunities for growth everywhere.
The third and most important is to decide and conscientiously take the first step in achieving your goals. Notice I call them goals, not dreams. With a goal, you plan it, you put in on the calendar, you make it happen.
Believe It – Visualize It – Make it happen – Now! People listen up! the following is crucial!!
Know, be aware, that YOU CHOOSE what is it that you are thinking at any moment in time….. Understand that you have the power to put aside beliefs that are not beneficial for your growth. Isn’t this empowering?
I had heard this phrase many times, but it did not sink in right away… But when it it, it was a game changer! it allowed me to own my thoughts, with practice and training, it allowed me to own my actions, react less, and listen more. In other words, I was able to keep my mind calm for the few seconds that it took for my mind to start making connections, creating action plans and was flooded with ideas. I love my 3-2-1 Do It design, btw available at my Redbubble Store, because it helps me take action faster than any possible procrastination has time to flood my thought and stop me from taking action
Believe It – Visualize it – Make it Happen – Now Accessories
From positive affirmations, journaling ideas, to gratitude exercises; add them to your vision board. Whether it is an actual vision board, your journal, your computer’s background screen, or a collage of magnetic instant photos on your fridge. Whatever it takes, surround yourself with items and people who encourage you, stimulate you, and propel you to accomplish your goals. Treasure these people and always, always acknowledge their support, help and thank them. After all, the more of what you feel thankful for will continue to arrive and will expand.
Gratitude and magnifying the energy of abundance
Ultimately, as energetic beings, we are channeling energy flowing out and in. Empower yourself and have the courage and determination to choose to expand positive, joyous abundant energy of gratitude. All the blessings you had not focus on previously will resurface and expand onto an unlimited environment of abundance, laughter and positive growth. Be happy, open your heart and mind to receive all the blessings that are coming your way.