7 Ways to Say I Love You Without Saying it! Yes, one more blog about love, hoping to spread the joy of loving one another. Learning to give and receive love, affection, care, gifts, companionship.
1 ) Be Present
Yes, being present is the number one way to say I love you, I care for you, I am here for you. And without argument it is the key for all of the subsequent ways of saying I love you. This means when you are with that person, your attention is on them, you are listening to what they are saying. You are curious about who they are, you want to learn about they like and why. Because you are present and paying attention you will remember and will get hints about what they like and don’t like. Which will be helpful for future gift ideas, plan activities and more.
2) Do stuff with that person and if you really love them do stuff for that person
Plan an activity you know they will enjoy. Also important it has to be an activity you will enjoy too or are at least are curious to learn more about. Here are some ideas:
- Visit the local bookstore, you will learn so much about their interest and about what they like.
- Go on a hike, not too strenuous, so you can talk, remember to smell the roses, per say, stop often to enjoy the view.
- Join a cooking workshop, ceramics workshop, or any other kind of workshop.
- Visiting a museum, pop-up museum, botanical park, lights park during the holidays.
- If the person is into sports, planning a leisure bike ride, roller blading, bowling, mini golf, horse ride or paddle boarding or kayaking are also great ideas.
- What is important about doing something active, is that you are present with them, you are enjoying each others company, learning about each other, sharing a moment of your lives with each other.
If you really, really love that person, you will naturally want to help them, this are called acts of kindness or acts of service. Be imaginative, offer your help and follow through. Here are some ideas:
- Help them by prepping dinner or picking uptake-out for them, it may not be much, but for a busy person you have al of a sudden saved them a trip to the grocery store, cooking and cleaning pots and pots time. Let the decorations do the talking 😉
3) Small gifts and more than 1 of the 7 ways to say I love you
Personally, I believe small thoughtful gifts are way more effective than huge statement gifts when it you are trying to convey your feelings for the other person. Remember, it is about the detail and it is about them.
Here are some ideas,
Make it a personal gift, with a small monogram gift. It is so thoughtful, here are some ideas, for the laidback football fan, the classy elegant dude in suits, the world traveler and the healthy hydrate all day everyday kind of guy.
4) Favorite Cartoon Character
Be playful and let them be playful, the possibilities are endless, from a cool t-shirt with their favorite cartoon character, a comic book, a movie, a practical, everyday product, that happens to have their favorite character is a great idea!
Here are some ideas for Marvel Fans:
For the Disney fans
For the Star Wars and Mandalorian fans
5) Music
Music appeals to the senses and it is undoubtedly soothing and relaxing for the majority of people. Whether they like to listen to music or make music, here are some ideas for your.
If they like to play music, a persuasion instrument, a beat making machine a mini keyboard or a set of personalized drum sticks.
Download their favorite song and play it for them while on the car driving to your date. Create a playlist with the artist and play it in your next get together. Get them dvd or T-shirt of their favorite 80’s group. If you happen to be lucky and their favorite artist is having a concert, take them to go see them.
6 ) Sport related anything is most definitely 1 of the 7 ways to say I love you
Sports become a passion for many, whether they participate on it or they are fans of it.
Here are some ideas:
From going to the stadium to see their them, a date at their favorite sports bar while their team is playing. Also sport related anything gifts will do.
7) Custom made and personalized gifts
Custom made and personalized gifts, especially those photo gift that capture special moments are the best way to say I loved you when and I love you now. From a simple and inexpensive keychain a decorative photo block or a large canvas print. Remember it is about the feeling the connection, what you like and admire about the other person.
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Great content! Keep up the good work!
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